How A Genuine Rough Emerald Crystals Are Good Investment?
How A Genuine Rough Emerald Crystals Are Good Investment?
Any emerald buyer will think it before throwing money for raw gemstones for sale such as green emerald stones. The answer is society demand of precious stones in the market. There are more precious stone buyers in the market than those of semi-precious stone buyers. Therefore, one will see lot of emerald suppliers in the market. Because they have demand. However supply of emeralds either in raw gemstones or cut faceted gemstones is low.
Since 19th century, colored gemstones have caught eye of investors apart from diamond. One can do investment in many kind of gemstones and minerals for sale online. However, the top three precious gemstones i.e. sapphire, ruby, and emeralds are on top list. Emerald is one of top precious gemstone. Fine transparent emerald is hard to find. Emerald is a variety of beryl. Emerald is a variety of beryl. Emerald chemical formula is Be3Al2Si6O18. Its hardness on Mohs Scale is 7.5 to 8. Refractive Index is 1.57 – 1.58.
2013 was given name as ” year of green colour” It belonged to ” go green” awareness that lifted the demand of emeralds. Many royal families have emerald jewelry. Emerald is regarded top in Unite Arab Emirates. One can get good profit in rough genuine emerald gemstones. Emerald must be genuine and without treatment. If you want to do investment in emeralds, do with the mine or 2nd person who has direct contact with the mine owners. Normally emerald mine is distributed among many share holders. Emeralds are sold on mines in auctions. Do you want to learn more about how investment in emerald is good. Read our following blog for full story.