What is worth of Kashmir Sapphires?

Why Is Kashmir Sapphire So Expensive? Learn Rarity, History and Value

The Rare Gemstone; Kashmir Sapphires

Kashmir sapphires are called the “king of gemstones” due to their magnificent and alluring beauty. They are the most expensive sapphires due to their charm and rarity. They have been in constant demand in the market by gem collectors and investors. The premium-quality Kasmir sapphires per carat rate is usually above $200,000 per carat. The reason behind its high price is its rarity, beauty, geology, and history. This article will look into the reasons for its high price, throw light on its alternative, that is, the Batakundi purple sapphire, and discuss their prices and investment potentials.

The Rarity of Kashmir Sapphire; A Geological Marvel

Kashmir sapphires were first discovered in the 1880s in the region of Zanskar in the Himalayan range. These were vigorously mined for a few decades, which led to the depletion of their mines. A few decades after their discovery, they were no longer being mined due to the harsh environment of the region, depletion of the mines, and political instability in the region. Due to these reasons, no new gems were discovered. Hence, we see that the Kasmir sapphires found today are either from a personal collection, a royal family, a museum, or an auction house. And owing to this scarce supply of Kashmir sapphires, they became the rarest gems on earth.Key Fact: The last major Kashmir sapphire auctioned in 2025 fetched $7.3 million for a 35.09-carat stone, highlighting their enduring demand. (Rerence )

The Legendary Cornflower Blue Hue: Color That Defines Value

A premium-quality Kashmir sapphire has the following two main features:

  • Cornflower blue color: Kashmir sapphires with a cornflower blue hue are considered the most premium because of their historical significance. There are other variants of Kashmir sapphire, such as the “Royal Blue” sapphires, but they are not as pricey as a “cornflower blue Kashmir sapphire.” Renowned gem labs like AGL and SSEF provide color certificates of Kashmir sapphires that indicate whether there are any undertones in the gem, as even a slight color change can decrease the price of a Kashmir sapphire.
  • Velvet texture: Kashmir sapphires get their velvety texture from the tiny rutile inclusions in it that are visible under a microscope. These inclusions even distribute the light rays falling on its surface, hence giving it a soft, ethereal blue glow that makes it distinct from the sapphires found in Burma or Sri Lanka.

Mining Challenges and Depleted Reserves

After the depletion of the Kashmir sapphire mines at the end of the 19th century, no new deposits have been discovered. The mines sometimes yield stones, but they are of low quality. The majority of the new Kashmir sapphires are either recut or mislabeled from Madagascar or Sri Lanka.

What Makes Kashmir Sapphire so Valuable?

The price of a Kashmir sapphire depends upon the following:

  • Size
  • Color
  • Authentic Kashmir sapphire certification 

Kashmir Sapphire Price Per Carat 2025

The general price range of Kashmir sapphire in 2025 is 40,000 to over 200,000 per carat.Some instances are given below:

  • The price of a 1 to 3-carat gem may range from 40,000 to 100,000 per carat.
  • The price of a 10+ carat gem may range from 150,000 to 200,000 per carat.
  • In an auction held in 2025, the price recorded for Kashmir sapphire was $209,689 per carat.

Why Kashmir is a Sapphire Top-Tier Investment?

The following features make a Kashmir sapphire so expensive:

  • Cornflower blue hue
  • Velvety texture
  • Rarity
  • Historical prestige

The Purplish-Pink Batakundi Sapphires

The sapphires found in Batakundi have a purplish-pink hue. They resemble the Kashmir sapphire but have a lesser price compared to the Kashmir sapphires. They are mined in the Batakundi region of Pakistan in the same Himalayan range.  They have many unique features, such as:

  • Color changing
  • Double colors
  • Star phenomena, etc.

The mines in Batakundi also sometimes yield cornflower blue sapphires, but it is very rare. Batakundi purple sapphires have a good investment potential due to their unique colors and low price for selling them as "Kashmir Sapphires at Low Prices." Batakundi Sapphire Value:Their price per carat ranges between $5,000 and $20,000.

Why Batakundi Pink Kashmir Sapphire Costs Less?

The Batakundi purple sapphires cost less than the Kashmir sapphires because they do not have the ethereal cornflower blue color that has a historical significance attached to it. Moreover, they also lack the velvety texture that the Kashmir sapphires have. Nevertheless, the demand for Batakundi sapphires is increasing day by day, resembling the original Kashmir sapphires. Hence, the heritage of the Kashmir sapphires does contribute to the increasing demand for Batakundi purple sapphires. Although the Batakundi purple sapphires are less pricey and less in demand compared to the cornflower blue sapphire, a premium-quality, color-changing Batakundi sapphire may cost as much as Kashmiri cornflower blue sapphires.

10 carat parcel of Natural Purplish Pink Kashmir Sapphires Lot

Batakundi Kashmir Sapphire Mine, Pakistan

Investment Opportunities in Batakundi Sapphires

While Batakundi stones lack Kashmir’s prestige, their scarcity and unique pink purplish color, along with the Kashmir label, make them a strategic buy.

  • Growing Demand: Kashmir Sapphire gemstone collectors have raised the demand for collecting natural Kashmir sapphires in every color. 
  • Affordability: Batakundi sapphires are low in price, 80–90% lower than blue Kashmir sapphires. 
  • Certification Potential: As labs like GRS, Gublin, and AIGS are expanding origin reports, Batakundi could gain recognition.

The Top Labs Providing Origin to Kashmir Sapphires

Numerous gem labs are known for their skills in checking the origin and authenticity of natural gems. They provide reliable certificates that determine the authenticity of the gem, such as authentic Kashmir sapphire certification. 

Some of the most popular labs are listed below:

GIA – Gemological Institute of America

GIA is considered the best gem lab in the world for gemstone certification. The certificates provided by it are considered the best. It offers various courses in gemology as well. The experts who graduated from GIA often start their own private labs while working under GIA and certifying gems in their local areas. GIA has also provided certificates and reports on the origin of Kashmir sapphires. A link to one such report is given below:Read a report about Kashmir Sapphires: “Sapphires Reportedly from Batakundi/Basil area” Learn about Blue Kashmir Sapphires with GIA
GIA Website

Gübelin Gem Lab

Gublin Gem Lab is a reputable gem lab that is known for its experts visiting geological areas where gems are found. They have also visited the Pakistan Kashmir region and made reports about Batakundi Kashmir sapphires.A link to one such report is given below: Read about Gublin's report on Kashmir Sapphire...
Gübelin Website

SSEF – Swiss Gemmological Institute

SSEF is another gemology lab located in Basel, Switzerland, that has a good name in the gem world for its expertise in checking the authenticity and origin of Kashmir sapphires. Read the research report about “ Contribution to the Distinguished Characteristics of sapphire of Kashmir”.
SSEF Website 

AGL – American Gemological Laboratories

AGL is famous for its expertise in Kashmir sapphires. The certificates provided by it are considered the most reliable and authentic, and it is an approved lab in the world of gemology.
AGL Website

Christian Dunaigre

Christian Dunaigre is a gem lab located in Bangkok. It is known for some of the best reliable gem reports and certifications. However, it does not have an official website.

How to Identify an Authentic Kashmir Sapphire

Step 1: Rutile InclusionsKashmir sapphires have tiny rutile inclusions that give them a velvety texture. These inclusions can be seen under a microscope. To determine whether the Kashmir sapphire is authentic or not, one can check the inclusions. A very high amount of inclusions makes the gem lose its clarity, and hence, it indicates unreliability and inaccuracy, while, on the other hand, a moderate amount of inclusions indicates authenticity.Step 2: Color ZoningAuthentic Kashmir sapphires have colorless bands with blue zones. The presence of such bands confirms authenticity.Step 3: CertificationReputable gem labs such as  AGL (American Gemological Labs), SSEF (Swiss Gemological Institute), and Gübelin provide certificates of the authenticity and origin of Kashmir sapphires. One must look into these certificates for confirming the authenticity.

Where to BuyTrusted Kashmir Sapphire Stores

Kashmir Sapphires can be bought from reputable sellers 

  • Kashmirstones.com: Kashmirstones is the only store dealing in natural gemstones from Kashmir regions of Pakistan. They deal in Batakundi sapphires that are 100% natural and can be certified by any lab as "Kashmir Sapphires from Azad Kashmir, Pakistan. 
  • Folkmarketgems: Folkmarketgems is another well-known store that provides 100% natural gemstones. They are also providing natural Kashmir Sapphires from Batakundi regions. 
  • Local Gemstone Jewelry Shop: One can also look for Kashmir sapphires at local gemstone and jewelry shops.

Note: Always request two certificates for high-value purchases.

Conclusion: The Never Ending Value of Kashmir Sapphires

Kashmir Sapphires are one of the luxury gemstones due to their unique history, beauty, and rarity. Whereas, Batakundi sapphires offer budget friendly alternatives. They have market potential hinges on lab recognition and branding. For gemstone investors, Kashmir sapphires are a “haven asset” with potential increasing demand, which is giving rise to the prices. As legendary gemologist Michael Khordipour notes: "Owning a Kashmir sapphire is like holding a piece of the earth’s rarest art".

Reference of Inclusions 

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Author: Samina Gulzar

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