Opal Gemstones
Precious opals have beautiful iridescent phenomena. Their main body is white to black body colour. Usually, they come also in transparent to opaque.
Opal formula is SIO2 H2O. There are different varieties of Opals.
Precious Opals
Fire Opals
Boulder Opal
Non-Iridescent Opals
Precious Opals
Precious opals have beautiful iridescent phenomena. Their main body is white to black body colour. Usually, they come also in transparent to opaque.
Fire opal colour goes from brown to orange. They may be iridescent.
Transparency: Transparent to opaque
Lustre: Sub vitreous
R.I. 1.40 to 1.45
S.G: 2.2
Boulder Opals
These are also iridescent opal in brown rocks. The stone will have mother rock in brown form.
Non-Iridescent Opals
There are also opals that do not show the play of colours. They come in different colours such as green, pink, blue, brown.