March Birthstone: Meaning of Aquamarine & Bloodstone
What is March Birthstone?
Two birthstones are claimed to be March birthstones, but both of them look so different from each other. The aquamarine and bloodstone. March have two birthstones because of its distinct properties and meanings. Both birthstones have different natures, which means you can choose what best suits you.
Aquamarine Birthstone: The Primary March Birthstone
One of the initial birthstone of March, aquamarine have a deep history. Let's see the details.
1- How Aquamarine gemstone derives its name and where it is found?
The aquamarine name comes from the Latin word which means
seawater, and it was named because of the appearance. It is associated with peace and tranquility and brings calmness to the wearer. Aquamarine also helps in increasing communication skills and is said to be the stone of courage and protection.
Aquamarine was found in Brazil for the past two centuries as the landscape there has forest, rocky surfaces and streams. This hard rock was found mainly as hard rock and then it is also discovered in the Karakoram Hills in Pakistan.
2- Hardness and Color of Aquamarine
The hardness varies from 7.5 to 8. It looks like seawater, a light blue color.
3- How to take care Aqua Stone?
This stone is easy to take care of and suitable to wear every day. Using warm water with regular dish soap is a safe and easy option to clean the surface.
4- Aquamarine Jewelry Styles and Trends

Aquamarine has a calm and elegant selection and can be used in sophisticated, elegant looks. Have a pendant or rings, even earrings, it will top up the look.
5- How to Buy Aquamarine?
Aquamarine crystals can be easily judged by the lines of cut, clarity of stone, colors. Like diamonds, aquamarine gemstones can be judged along the lines of cut, color, clarity, and carat weight. Aquamarine is a larger cut gemstone which is used by Princess Diana.
Bloodstone: The Ancient Alternative March Birthstone
Another birthstone of March is bloodstone, and it is quite

the opposite of aquamarine. It looks dark in colour. Let's see more details.
It is also called heliotrope, which comes from the Greek word meaning, to turn to sun. It symbolizes strength, courage, and life. It also revitalizes both body and mind. Bloodstone also protects from negative energies. It boosts energy levels and increases physical endurance.
The hardness varies from 6.5 to 7 on the Mohs scale.
History of Bloodstone
In ancient history, it's believed that when these stones are placed in the sun, it turns the sun red. Also, according to Christian beliefs, the color patterns represent the blood of Christ.
It has metaphysical properties, which means it increases strength and preserves health and youthfulness. Also, it is used as a lucky charm. In India, bloodstone is crushed into a powder and used as an aphrodisiac.
Is bloodstone rare?
It's found in most of the marketplaces in India. Also Brazil, China and Australia have this stone.
How to Take Care of Bloodstone?
The bloodstone can easily be cleaned at home with warm water and soap. Don't use harsh chemicals or extremely high temperatures.
Modern Uses of Bloodstone in Jewelry
This birthstone has a dark appearance. Bloodstone has a bold and unique look, so it can be worn in jewelry pieces like bracelets and rings.
Where to Buy Bloodstone?
Bloodstone have a unique cut and traditional shapes. Smaller gemstones are polished and used as beads. The smaller part is easier to use as it is se and mounted into jewellery pieces, and bigger pieces may cause the jewellery item to be heavier.
Healing Properties and Spiritual Meaning of March Birthstones
Aquamarine is taken as one of the sacred stone in Greec ancient. Aquamarine is supposed to protect and keep one healthy. Aquamarine color is color of sea and ocean. In Greek mythology, it is an important element. It was famous belief that god of sea, Poseidon created aquamarine when he produced lightning with water.
Aquamarine is also associated with sea by beliefs of Romans. Aquamarine is believed to be a god of Romans, the god of ocean, Naptune. Aquamarine represents chakra throat by modern belief. It brings a sense of calm and connect with spiritual selves. Many people wear aquamarine to enhance their psychic abilities.
Metaphysical Benefits of March Birthstones
- March birthstones is believed to have power overcoming water.
- It protects from drowning in water in stormy seas.
- Aquamarine is supposed to be a dream stones.
- Bloodstone symbolise courage and vitality
- Bloodstone protects from negative influences
- Bloodstone boost physical endurance.
- It boosts energy
Choosing the Perfect March Birthstone Gift
- Aquamarine is also given is a gift on the 19th wedding anniversary.
- Bloodstone can be given as birthstone gift for March.
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