December Birthstone Turquoise Meaning

December Birthstone

Like every month, December also has birthstones that have blue hues. Three birthstones are associated with the December Birthstone. Tanzanite, Zircon, Turquoise, and blue topaz are December birthstones that are unique in its way. Let's find out more details.

Why Are There Two Birthstones in December?

If we see in an order, there is one gemstone associated with one month. If you see multiple stones for a month it means it allows more affordable options in addition to the more traditional and expensive stones. Also, the birthstone showcases nature’s treasures. Tanzanite is a clear blue exquisite crystal that was found exclusively in Tanzania. According to various authentic sources, Tanzanite was labeled as a December birthstone in 2002.

What Does Turquoise Symbolize?

Turquoise symbolizes December, and it is also a symbol of good fortune and to keep the bad vibes and spirits away from the stone and stone keeper. Also, this gemstone is considered a love charm. It can be used in casual looks as it's opaque and can be used as a jewelry stone for an elegant look. Also, it is said to calm you down and balance your high emotions.

Price of Turquoise Stone per Carat:

Depending upon the origin, color purity, and hardness of the stone, turquoise can range up to $0.05 and $1000. If you want to have hard Persian blue turquoise stone, it may cost you more than two million dollars.

Who Should Wear Turquoise Stone?

Everyone can wear everything. But turquoise is beneficial for people who rule on Planet Jupiter. According to astrology, people who are born as Sagittarius, Aquarius, and Pisces have more benefits.

According to more astrologists, people who have conflicts in astrological placement between Scorpio and Capricorn should avoid wearing this as they can have unfavorable results.

How to Tell if Turquoise Is Real?

There are many ways to check if the turquoise is real or not.

Scratch test:

The real turquoise stone is hard to scratch. If you do light scratching from your fingernail it couldn't leave any mark.

Colour test:

Real turquoise stone is usually a greenish blue not bright blue. If the turquoise is not real it would be highly saturated.


Real turquoise stone is dense and heavy in size. If you find it chalky, it can be fake.


The real turquoise stone has some veins running all over it and it's called matrix. If you see the fake one, it would be treated or dyed.

History of Turquoise stone as a birthstone

The rulers of old Egypt have turquoise stone as Their jewelry and the Chinese artisan has been carving it for almost 3000 years. It's considered the national gem of Tibet and has been considered a token of health, good fortune, and protection from any bad luck.

The Healing Turquoise of Tanzanite

Tanzanite is one of the most important metaphysical crystals for spiritual healing specifically. Turquoisehase has high vibrational energy that attracts protection and safety connecting with higher realms and gives all combinations of communication and psychic powers.

It's a positive and powerful stone and has a big impressions in making you light and soft. It will give you calmness wherever you are.

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Author: Samina Gulzar

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