Where to Buy Genuine Gemstones from Pakistan
rPakistan has a variety of natural gemstones resources. However, gemstone production and contribution in the national economy is only 1% as per the survey conducted in the 1980s. Previously, it was difficult to buy genuine gemstones from Pakistan. Now the situation is changed.
Where to Buy Genuine Gemstones from Pakistan?
Recently, youngsters are coming into this field and taking the gemstones introduction to the world in new ways. Since social media has caught the attention, Facebook is a big resource for selling and buying gemstones like in other western countries. Many people have developed their online gemstone store for displaying their products. Many people are entering into cutting and lapidary.
Online Stores to Buy Genuine Gemstones
Ebay is also a big platform however self-online stores are a big trend where one can maintain his brand separately. As the new trends also entering the market. You will see people greed over the time and they display fake or synthetic stones as calling them real. So be careful while purchasing online. This rule is everywhere. You will see a lot of products in form of fine mineral specimens, cut gemstones, facet rough grade gemstones and much more.
FolkmarketGems Rock Mineral Shop and Genuine Gemstone
There are some platforms where you can see a display of genuine gemstones such Etsy, eBay, Folkmarket Gem Mineral Shop. Folkmarket is strongly working on building customer relationship for a long time. Therefore, it is focusing on supplying genuine gemstones in rough and cut. Folkmarket online store has been built on international standard designs. Easy to use in checkout. Pakistan has no PayPal facilities officially. However, there are some third parties available which provide services from Paypal. 2Checkout is one of them. Folkmarket gems mineral shop has the 2Checkout platform for online ordering. One can use a credit card on site or PayPal which is secure payment gateway.
Folkmarket Gems Exhibitions Islamabad
Folkmarket has a variety of rough and cut gemstones collected from Pakistan. Popular gemstones are the following:-
- Rough Natural Emerald stones from Swat
- Kashmir Rubies and Sapphire from Batakundi
- Top Quality Peridot from Kohistan
- Topaz, Black Tourmaline, Sataknala tourmaline, Aquamarine from Hunza, Skardu, Shiger valley
- Imperial pink topaz
- Petroleum Quartz
- Brucite
- Fadden Quart
- Double Terminated Quartz
- Diamond Quartz
- Rare Fine Mineral Specimens
- Garnets
- Smoky Quartz
- Epidot
- xenotime
- bastnaesite
- scapolite
- clinozoisite
- Apatite
- Morganite
- Sphene
- Amethyst
- Brookite
- Anatas
- Lapis
- Malachit
- Zircon
- Flourite
- Aragonite
1 comment
Good morning. I am looking to buy semi precious stones or jewellery for my granddaughters. I have already bought before through a friend of mine from pakistan. Can you help? I am looking in buying Lapis Azulli and/ or peridot.