10 things to keep in mind before buying genuine gemstones and minerals for sale
Here are 10 things to keep in mind before buying genuine gemstones and minerals for sale
Gemstones value increases @ of inflation. So be aware while buying gemstones. Because if you will purchase bad gemstones today, you will suffer even in the next 3 years. Bad deals will give you bad results. I am going to present hereunder 10 things to keep in mind before buying genuine gemstones and minerals for sale.
I am careful about gemstones buying and purchasing. Some times, bad gemstone gives you good profit and sometimes good gems give nothing. But this is a rule that people like quality gemstones. So go for quality gemstones when you are going to buy if you are investing. If you are a jewelry designer or a Small and medium industry, you have to keep in mind some other tips. I am focusing in this article on tips for SMEs and small jewelry designers. I will highlight another article about investment in gemstones. SMEs and small businesses can also get a good profit if they keep in mind 10 tips before buying natural gemstones and minerals for sale.
1- Know your purpose of buying what type gemstones
This is very important that why you are going to buy gemstones? You should be aware of your purpose. You must be clear about your purchase. You should know what gemstones you need for selling or to use in jewelry designing. Most buyers have no idea and start purchasing without searching their market, customer demands. When they are unable to sell, they start building bad relationships with vendors. You can lose a good vendor. To know about your market. Read the following tips further.
2-Learn about gemstones and minerals
This is very important in buying gemstones. Are your buying for instant money? Some buyers go behind the trend. They dont bother to get knowledge about the gemstones and minerals. They usually have little knowledge of gemstones and minerals. You must have basic knowledge before buying. What is this knowledge? Whether the stone is real. Names of gemstones. Their treatment types. cut, clarity, and much more. Read about gemstones in this blog, it will help you in identifying gemstones and minerals.
3-Knowing Customer need and market
Another big issue with the buyers, they lack knowledge about the demand of their customers. They look at people what they are getting profit and start following them. This is very bad. It is not necessary that all localities like the same gemstones. For example, the Chinese like the green color and go behind emeralds, Jade. They dont like the white colour. They think that it is related to bad luck. So you can not sell white gemstones there. Similar is the case with other localities.
4-Have knowledge about your market and Pricing Trends
You must have an idea about your market and market trends, especially in pricing things. Your market accepts medium quality with a low price, you can not offer them pricey items. You must look for cheap gemstones so you can offer them affordable gemstones. Moreover, you have to look at your expenses also if you are a jewelry manufacturer.
5-Evaluate your budget and try to mark up your profit before purchasing
You must evaluate your budget before making a purchase. If your budget is low, go for such gemstones which can give you instant profit. Sometimes commercial gemstones buying is a good option. But sometimes quality gems also give you double profit if your market accepts them.
6-Where you can buy wholesale gemstones for sale
Another thing is getting knowledge about where you can buy wholesale gemstones for sale. You should look for wholesale gemstones dealers instead of buying from retail stores. Buying from retail stores can not give you much profit.
7-Source gemstones so you can sell in retail
Another important thing is the selling of gemstones. Obviously, after purchasing from wholesale gemstone dealers, you will like to sell the gemstones in retail. So you have to find out the way where you can sell your items at retail prices. They can be jewelry stores, auction houses.
8-Adding value to the sold gemstones
Before buying once you have finalized what you are purchasing. You should also look at what additional value you can add to the gemstones. Maybe you can buy preformed or low price gemstones to save money. Next, you need to see if you will recut it, it will give you more money in return.
9-Build relationships with the vendors
Dont spoil your relationship with the vendors. Always keep open ways to contact them. You must build a good relationship with your gems vendors. Well established vendors will entertain you honestly if you are an honest buyer. Dont look for the purchase of one time, you have to contact in the future also sometimes. Get knowledge about your vendors online. Look at their activities. This will give you an idea of the selection of vendors. Building relationships will help you in getting the new stock at competitive prices. The vendor will be happy to show you first.
10-Know your shipping services
You must be aware of shipping services. Some shipping services are reluctant in accepting or picking gemstones. If you are unable to ship your item, your sell is lost. Before purchasing, make it sure that you have the contact with all shipping services, their rates, services details. So once the sale is done, shipping can be instant.