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Welcome to our blog dedicated for Minerals and Gemstones Learning, Gemology, Mineralogy

Here, we take pride to share with you comprehensive researches, providing valuable insights and information about natural gemstones and minerals. Our content covers a wide array of topics, including:-

  1. Research Works on Gems and Minerals: Stay updated with the latest scientific research and discoveries in the field of gemology and mineralogy. We explore cutting-edge studies , plan exploration plans, gemstone hunting activities to share insights into the characteristics and properties of various gemstones and minerals.
  2. Geology and Mineralogy of Gemstones: Explore the geological processes behind the formation of gemstones. Learn about the environments, conditions, and geological events that contribute to the creation of these precious natural wonders. We have highlighted the details of mineralogy, understanding the composition and structure of different types of gemstones and minerals. Explore the unique properties that make each stone distinct and valuable.
  3. healing crystals
  4. Gemstones and Crystal Shopping
  5. Faceting and Lapidary Tips and Techniques
  6. Birthstones
  7. Information about Precious-stones and semi-precious stones list
  8. Gemstone Jewelry Designing Tips
  9. Exploring Geography and Gemstone Mining: Discover the geographical locations around the globe where gemstones are mined. From the depths of mines to the surface of the earth, we explore the journey of gemstones from their origins to their extraction.
  10. New Findings in Gemstones: Learn about the latest discoveries s in the gemstone realm. Our blog keeps you updated on new gemstone deposits, rare earth minerals finds, and emerging trends in the gemstone industry.
  11. Crystal Structure and Formation: Gain insights into the e crystal structures and formation processes of gemstones and minerals. Explore the science behind their unique shapes, colors, and properties.
  12. Scientific Facts and Insights: Delight in learning fascinating scientific facts and insights about gemstones and minerals. From their historical significance to their cultural symbolism, we cover a diverse range of topics related to these natural marvels.

Whether you're a student of gemologist, a curious gemstone enthusiast, or simply someone with a passion for natural beauty and science, our blog aims to provide valuable resources and engaging content to deepen your understanding and appreciation of gemstones and minerals. Join us on this exciting journey of discovery!

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Learn Natural Gemstones, Minerals, Crystals Info, News, Tips, Researches

Exploring The World Most Rare Gemstones - List Number One
Zircon Stone: A Geological Story Teller- A Brief Introduction

Zircon Stone: A Geological Story Teller- A Brief Introduction

Let's talk about the zircon stone, a gem that holds the secrets of Earth's  history. It's like a tiny time capsule, recording the incredible transformations our planet has undergone. Zircon takes the spotlight as an extraordinary timekeeper, capturing intricate details of Earth's earliest changes. It's like a geological storyteller, whispering tales of ancient shifts and transformations. Within its crystal structure lies a captivating narrative, offering us a front-row seat to the mysteries of our planet's past. In the world of minerals, zircon stands out as a silent yet eloquent chronicler of Earth's enduring journey.
The World Rare Earth Gems - Grandidierite Found Only in Madagascar

The World Rare Earth Gems - Grandidierite Found Only in Madagascar

Discovery and Naming of Grandidierite Discovered by French naturalist explorer Alfred Grandidier in southern Madagascar in 1902, this rare gemstone was named in his honor. Grandidier extensively studied the natural history and geography of Madagascar, making multiple visits to the island. Early Acquisition and Rarity of Grandidierite Stone Initially, the crystals obtained were not of facet grade material but were highly sought after by gem collectors. Even samples of the rare gem were prized possessions. New Deposit Discovery After a century of limited production, a new deposit near the original locality of Andrahomana, outside the town of Tranomaro, was found. High facet grade material began entering the gem market in Bangkok, attracting the attention of dealers, especially after GIA issued certificates describing the gem crystal samples as Grandidierites. Characteristics and Rarity Grandidierite is considered one of the rarest gemstones globally, with a Mohs scale hardness of 7.5. Its chemical formula is close to Kornerupine. It comes in colors ranging from dark green to bluish-green and colorless. Fine cut gems can command prices ranging from $10,000 to $100,000 per carat. Occurrence and Value Crystals of up to 8 cm in length and limited amounts of gem grade rough are located in southern Madagascar. The gemstone is highly valued, with specimens fetching considerable prices in the market. Conclusion Grandidierite remains an extraordinary gemstone, sought after by collectors and enthusiasts alike, with its rarity and exceptional beauty continuing to captivate the gem market.
List of the world rarest minerals - Rarest Gemstone list

List of Rarest Minerals - Rarest Gemstone List - Rare Earth Minerals

As documented in the Guinness Book of World Records, Painite stands out as the scarcest mineral found on our planet. It holds the esteemed position of being the most prized gemstone, with merely two crystals unearthed throughout many years.The scarcity of gemstones varies, dictated by the availability of deposits. Explore additional lists showcasing some of the rarest stones known to exist:


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